Today’s livestock producers are under pressure to boost performance. That means getting the most return from your animals and achieving the highest level of productivity at the lowest possible cost. This can be achieved only if the methionine source used is correctly supplemented. Yet in an industry that relies heavily on natural raw materials, inconsistencies are unavoidable. Everything that goes into the feed formulation affects the bottom line, and since all feed sources vary in their amino acid content, adding supplemental methionine requires precision.
MetAMINO® ensures the adequate supply of sulfur amino acids, particularly the essential methionine. Because methionine is first-limiting in typical poultry diets, its use has been well established for many years. Additionally, diets for piglets and growing pigs can show a considerable deficiency in methionine, especially when formulated to achieve low nitrogen excretion for ecological reasons. Such a deficiency can be conveniently compensated for by using MetAMINO®.
Some animals require methionine in an adapted form. For the aquaculture industry, Evonik’s dedicated DL-Methionine for AquacultureTM has smaller particles as a result of our crystallization process. Shrimp and prawns are bottom feeders, so feed pellets and extrudates must be stable in the water to perform. AQUAVI® Met-Met meets this requirement, and adds further value thanks to its unique properties: low leaching and slow release in the gut. To supply methionine to ruminants, Evonik offers its Mepron®, a rumen-stable form of methionine.